Sunday, October 26, 2008

Oh my! I have been a slacker

Ok actually I've just been really busy with school and going back to work. Plus I have punka to take care of too :P I'll use this post to catch up on the last few weeks.

We took Kalen on his first camping trip up towards white rock. We all road four wheelers to the top of the mountain but Daddy drove booger and all the camping gear up in the Burban!

Grandpa helping Kalen stay warm by the campfire

Wheeling with Daddy

Kalen also went to his first movie! Kung Fu panda. We took him to the dollar movie thinking no one would be there but it was so packed! He was a good boy the whole time though. He drank his bottle and watched the first half of the movie and then slept through the rest.

Passed out in the theater!

Today was Kristi's 20th birthday. We were all out front carving pumpkins when someone got the idea to stick boog in one of the pumpkins for a picture. It was a cute idea but the baby didn't think it was a very good one.

Playing with punkin guts

Stuck in the punkin

punka wanting out of the punkin!

Katelee loves the giant pumpkin

Helping Kristi blow out the candles

Monday, September 15, 2008

Dressed up

Today Kalen got dressed up like Grandpa. He is too cute! :D

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


When Kristi and Wes were down in San Diego they picked Kalen up a Chargers jersey. He was so tired last night lol :P

1st Smile Pics

This morning when Kalen woke up I had my camera ready. He always has big smiles when he first wakes up.

I can't wait until he starts giggling and laughing :)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

100... ok only 50 facts about me

Tiffany had this on her blog so I stole the idea...I was bored :)

1. Wayne and I have been together for 3 years this last July
2. We met when Wayne came to Mesquite to spend time with his sister before he left for Iraq
3. I only got to spend one day with Wayne before he left
4. I’m glad he had to be gone for so long but only because I don’t take having him here for granted
5. I love our baby boog Kalen
6. My favorite color is blue
7. I’m a true blond
8. I’ve dyed my hair every color under the sun
9. I get bored with my hair very easily lol
10. I hate TV but I love The Biggest Loser and Project Runway
11. I think Family Guy is great fun too
13. I became an aunt when I was 6
14. I have 2 nieces and 3 nephews from my side of the family
15. I have 5 nieces and 1 nephew from Wayne’s side
16. My niece used to call me Trolli when she was younger
17. I miss high school
18. I used to dance on the high school drill team
19. I was secretary for the Senior class office
20. I scored a 3 on the English Composition AP test my junior year
21. I ran track and cross country
22. I wish I would have done more during the first part of high school
23. Out of all the school dances, I only went with 2 guys…wish I could say different
24. I just completed my first block of online college courses
25. I’m hoping to receive my associates in education in 2 years
26. I want to be an elementary school teacher
27. I love my job!
28. I love Mr. Durbin! Fire it up ha ha
29. I want to be more sporadic like my sissy Kristi
30. I love to run for fun
31. I want to lose ALL the baby weight from being pregnant
32. I have an insane goal of getting back down to my drill team weight :)33. I WILL GET THERE
34. I love to read
35. I think 80’s music is awesome
36. I want to get married on the beach
37. I’ve been to two other countries
38. I refuse to watch The Notebook because I know I’ll bawl like a baby
39. I’ve been 21 for over 6 months and I still haven’t bought myself a beer :P
40. I love to walk the Vegas strip
41. I want Kristi to take me back to Thunder from Down Under ha ha ha
42. I’m trying to get into a house
43. I’m ready to have another baby already
44. I want to have 2 or 3 more kids before we’re done
45. I hope Kalen and Degan grow up to be best friends like Rocki and I have always been
46. I just thought of that one time our other best friend dumped nachos in Rocki’s ex’s car after he told her not to HA HA HA That was hilarious Tiff!
47. I found a new love for watching football
48. UFC is pretty cool too
49. Soccer still sucks though
50. This is taking forever and I need to go to bed so I’ll post 50 more things another day

Saved muhself some big bucks!

I bought me a $6 box of blonde hair dye from Wally World, and Kristi made it look like I was at the salon all day! It only took her 30 minutes and I could have easily spent over $60 to get it done professionally. I love my sissy. I'll have to get some pics up in the next few days.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Days & Nights

I'm starting to think my little guy is way too good! He has been sleeping from midnight to 6 for the last week or so. How did I get so lucky??? I figured I would never get a decent nights sleep ever again lol well at least for the next few years anyways. But even though Kalen has been such a good sleeper his mommy hasn't been :P I have NOT been able to sleep the last two nights. I've been up until 6 both nights and then as soon as I (finally) doze off, Kalen is ready to eat. At least it was over the weekend so Wayne could take care of him. It's already so late! I better go lay down and attempt to sleep.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Losing my tummy

Ok I think pregnant bellies are cute but once there's no baby in there to make it poke out...EW! My stomach looks like chewed up bubble gum and it's totally grossing me out. As soon as the doctor clears me I am running like a crazy mofo!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Panguitch Lake, Utah

We stayed at Uncle Frank and Aunt Marilyn's cabin this weekend. It was lots of fun but really relaxing too. Kalen loved Uncle Frank's animals. I think he liked the gazelle the best; he would stare at it forever! We went out on the lake and did some fishing. We didn't catch anything...well Jason caught a fishing pole with the anchor lol but that was it!

This was Kalen's 1st boat trip. He looked so dang cute in his little life vest! He slept most of the time, but when he was awake he just soaked everything in!
I bet you can't guess what I did most of the time...

HEY! I took advantage of having 20 babysitters :)

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

1st trip to St. George

Today we took the boys to get their pictures taken at Kiddie Kandids. It was tons of fun and the boys were so good!

Kalen's Magnum pose...or is that the Ferarri...perhaps Blue Steel

They looked like deers in the head lights in the 1st few pics. They couldn't figure out who this weird lady was making noises right in their faces and making bright flashes in their eyeballs! The photographer did a great job though.

Monday, August 11, 2008

First Bath

Kalen got his first bath the night we got home from the hospital. I thought for sure he would scream his head off but we have yet to find anything that sets this boy off! When he does get mad, all he does is make little piggy grunt sounds. Sometimes it even sounds like a billy goat :) I just think it's cute! After a few days of wash cloth bathing we decided to try sticking him in the shower with Dad...he slept right through it! That's Kalen's new favorite thing to do besides eat.

Bringing home baby

I was so glad to leave the hospital. I thought for sure they would keep me longer, but after only two days they said we could go home. I enjoyed having people there to get me what I needed but my mom was staying with us so I knew she would take good care of us. Plus I missed my own bed and the dogs!

From the start

I've got some catching up to do with Kalen but I better start from the beginning: before baby arrived.

We got to the hospital at 7 AM. I slept really well the night before but Wayne had a harder time...he was up all night 4-wheeling! Yeah, I'm not sure what's up with that either HA HA but we arrived on time and headed up to labor and delivery. They started me on the pitocyn and the waiting game began. After about 4 hours my water broke on it's own. That's when I called for the epidural! 30 minutes of labor pain was plenty for me.

We waited all day, Grandpa watching the monitors keeping track of the contractions and the baby's heartbeat. Throughout the day the little line on the baby's monitor would drop below the straight line and the nurses would come in and turn me over on my side which would fix his heartbeat. We ran through the same routine all day, with me dilating steadily but the baby still staying high. Around 5:30 that night Doctor Ofori came in to give us the news. The baby wasn't descending and with his heart rate dipping erratically it would just be better if we went ahead and performed a C-section. So Daddy got suited up while Mommy got drugged up.

They were pumping me full of all sorts of stuff so this part is kind of a blur. I remember being fine when the doctor told me about the C-section but after a while I ended up crying. I just wanted to get it over with! I hated waiting! So after what seemed like forever the doctor was back, full of popeye's chicken, and it was time. With everyone upset except the doctor they wheeled me out.

The C-section itself wasn't bad at all (the waiting part was worse!) After they prepped me, Wayne was allowed to come in the operating room. I was shaking so bad from the meds but I didn't care I just wanted to get the baby here safe and sound. I'm not sure how long the whole thing took but before I knew it there he was! I heard his little cry and knew he was OK but I couldn't see him because of the sheet. Then they brought him around to get him cleaned up and all I could see was a full head of dark hair! After they weighed him and made sure he was good to go, they brought him over for me to see. I couldn't hold him because my arms were still strapped down but I didn't care, I already loved him so much. Then it was time for Daddy to wheel him out to the nursery for everyone to see.

I think we ended up with a million pictures of him in his little cart but this is probably his first picture ever taken...except for the ultrasounds of course.

Kalen Wayne Jensen

8lbs 11 oz. 21 in.

After they stapled me up I finally got to come out of the operating room, still completely out of it. They took me into a recovery room where I got to hold my little booger for the first time.

After going through pregnancy and having a baby I would say "Never again," and I even had an easy time, but then I look at Kalen and I think to myself "a million times over!"

Friday, August 8, 2008

Best Buddies!

Here they are! Degan Daniel Shanner and Kalen Wayne Jensen. What studs! When my friend Rocki found out she was expecting I was so excited for her but little did I know, I was pregnant too! After our ultrasounds we found out our due dates were exactly the same! I couldn't believe it but I sure was glad I didn't have to go through it all alone. Degan was born almost a whole week before Kalen though. Kalen must have needed some extra time to finish cooking. The day after Kalen was born Rocki and Degan stopped by for a visit.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

First Post

I'm attempting to create this blog for my friends and family. I want to share all those special moments we have with baby Kalen. Man I hope I can figure this thing out!! :P